
Magma Rants 1: Introduction to the Language

I've been doing a bit of a thought experiment recently, around the idea of programming languages. I imagine the vast majority of programmers do this, so I don't think I'm special here, and while I would love for this idea to go somewhere, the pressing need for a sustainable consistent influx of cash is more important than solving big problems and fixing the world.

I have a manifesto writeup going on on a Google Doc, found here. I regularly add sections over time, the real pain is when I redo parts of the spec because I don't like the way something is petering out. Here are some examples of that:

  • Initially, I liked the idea of using colons as assignment, such that in constructors you would use foo : 5, in variables you would use float bar : 3.5, etc. I gave up on this, for two reasons - one, even though the precedent of using an equals sign for assignment isn't really mathematically accurate (and I really liked the idea of not needing the terrible == for equality) some operations like +: and -: just look ugly with colons attached. Blame my great aesthetic design mindset. This also opens up the colon to be another dedicated glyph, and let me separate property access (.) from scope (:) which I prefer.
The purpose of Magma is to solve a problem - which I hope most languages aim to accomplish - by accepting a reality of native language design. You want a kitchen sink that you can write firmware or a kernel in, but want to actually build a working project with it. I think my approach is a step towards solving this problem, in that the Magma specification outlines multiple effective compiler specifications, with different error conditions and warnings depending on the chosen context. Contexts are compiler flags specifying what kind of binary you are constructing, and the compiler builds each library and executable in its own context, which is an optional header in its metadata specification (depending of course on if you want to compile this to say, LLVM, or some newer binary format for a new architecture). The default context is the application context, but the language specification has multiple contexts:
  • system - allows raw bitwise, raw shifts, raw pointer manipulation, jumps, and pointer assignment to integers and casting between the various integers (pointers, ints, fixed width chars) won't produce compiler warnings or errors. You can also use asm: blocks to write inline assembly. This state also outright disables exception handling and any bounds safety checks in standard library classes. This context is meant for kernels and firmware, and should be used sparingly. Even a kernel proper should have most of its libraries written in another context. It is also a good idea to isolate system context code in its own libraries or binaries independent of the bulk of a main application, as a sort of "danger zone".
  • lib - compiles libraries instead of executable binaries, with no main function. By default, uses the app context, and aliases applib. You can create libraries in other contexts by just suffixing the name with lib, such as systemlib.
  • app - The full standard library is available, but you can't use raw shifts, jumps, pointers (use refs) or std:bit (bool and std:flags will still use bitwise internally just fine). 
  • web - Targets the Fissure intermediary language, enabling binary web applications. The full ramifications of this context need to be ironed out through trial and error - it has no file system access, no access to the networking stack besides the convenience http send receive layer, etc.
Besides compiling binaries in various contexts, for security purposes Magma apps need ot specify (in their metadata, or embedded) the various std parts they use and what system resources they access (files, network, contacts, accounts, 3d video, audio, etc) so they can request permissions in a mandatory access control environment seamlessly.

The broad objective is to recognize 5 things:
  1. Programmers like familiar syntax. If you can get one syntax up an entire stack of languages for various purposes, (which Magma / Fissure / Stratos are intended to be) you can significantly streamline the time investment for new developers to pick up the entire technology paradigm.
  2. People like readable code. Magma is not only tries to achieve minimal glyphic overhead and readable code, it can be written whitespace significant or not (using traditional curly braces and semicolons) to enable choice.
  3. People like choice. Choice of paradigm, choice of library, and contexts enable a choice of warning states.
  4. Times are changing. Heterogeneous computing is going to be huge and massively important, and no modern language is going to have an easy time tacking on easy to use SIMD functionality the way Magma will with std:simd functions, parallel profiling in the compilation stage, etc.
  5. Build files suck. Qmake, CMake etc - Scons is really neat, but Python (lacking contexts) is hard to get into a nice syntax for compilation instructions. Enter the stratos build context, which is the dialect of Stratos used to write .stob files to build magma binaries. I mean, build systems collectively blow, and none of the modern languages (Go, Rust, etc all have no immediate solution). Make syntax is completely alien to imperative languages (just like shell is completely alien too) and the raw effort to learn them all is absurd and unacceptable for new developers in the coming years, at least to me.
I think we can do better than what we have, and go beyond C++, D, and even Go and Rust, and really recognize the need for a native language you can write anything in and make it simple. Contexts I like to think make this a lot easier than trying to kitchen sink everything into one compiler state and hoping people don't break stuff with preemptive optimizations into inline assembler.

The point of this blog series isn't to write the manfiesto, but to brainstorm aspects of the langauge ideas I have by writing them down.

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