
Software Rants 9: Capturing the Desktop

In my continuing thinking about next generation operating systems and the ilk, I wanted to outline the various aspects of a system necessary to truly win the world - all the of parts of a whole computing experience that, if presented and superior to all competitors, would probably change the world overnight. No piece can be missing, as can be said of Linux space and its lack of non-linear video editors, GIMP's subpar feature parity against competition, and audio's terrible architecture support. So here are the various categories and things a next generation desktop needs to compromise the consumer space.

  • Microkernel providing consistent device ABI and abstractions. Needs to be preemptive, have a fair low overhead scheduler, and be highly optimized in implementation. The kernel should provide a socket based IPC layer.
  • Driver architecture built around files, interfacing with kernel provided device hooks to control devices. Driver signing for security, but optinal disabling for debugging and testing. Drivers need an explicit debug test harness since they are one of the most important components to minimize bugs in.
  • Init daemon that supports arbitrary payloads, service status logging, catastrophic error recovery, and controlled system failure. The init daemon should initialize the IPC layer for parallel service initialization (think systemd or launchd).
  • Command shell using an elegant shell script (see: Stratos in shell context). Most applications need to provide CLI implementations to support server functionality.
  • Executor that will checksum and sign check binary payloads, has an intelligent fast library search and inject implementation, and supports debugger / profiler injection without any runtime overhead of standard apps.
  • Hardware side, two interface specifications - serial and parallel digital. Channels are modulated for bandwidth, and dynamic parallel channels allow for point to point bandwidth control on the proverbial northbridge. High privileged devices should use PDI, and low privileged should use SDI. Latency tradeoffs for bandwidth should be modulation specific, so one interface each should be able to transition cleanly from low latency low bandwidth to high latency pipelined bandwidth. Consider a single interface where a single channel parallel is treated as a less privileged interface. Disregard integrated analog interfaces. USB can certainly be implemented as an expansion card.
  • Consider 4 form factors of device profile - mobile, consumer, professional, and server. Each has different UX and thus size / allocation of buses requirements, so target appropriately. Consumer should be at most mini-ITX scale, professional should be at most micro-ATX - we are in the future, we don't need big boards.
  • Next generation low level systems language, that is meant to utilize every programming paradigm and supply the ability to inline script or ASM code (aka, Magma). Module based, optimized for compiler architecture.
  • A common intermediary bytecode standard to compile both low and middle level languages against, akin to LLVM bytecode. Should support external functionality hooks, like a GC or runtime sandbox. This bytecode should also be signable, checksum-able, and interchangeable over a network pipe (but deterministic execution of bytecode built for a target architecture in a systems programming context is not guaranteed).
  • Middle level garbage collected modularized contextual language for application development. Objectives are to promote device agnosticism, streamline library functionality, while providing development infrastructure to support very large group development, but can also be compiled and used as a binary script language. See : Fissure.
  • High level script language able to tightly integrate into Magma and Fissure. Functions as the shell language, and as a textual script language for plugins and framework scripting on other applications. Meant to be very python-esque, in being a dynamic, unthreaded simple execution environment that promotes programmer productivity and readability at the cost of efficiency (see : Stratos).
  • Source control provided by the system database backend, and source control is pervasive on every folder and file in the system unless explicitly removed. Subvolumes can be declared for treatment like classic source control repositories. This also acts as system restore and if the database is configured redundant acts as backup.
  • Copy on write, online compressing transparent filesystem with branch caching, auto defragmentation, with distributed metadata, RAID support, and cross volume partitioning. Target ZFS level security and data integrity.
  • Everything-as-a-file transparent filesystem - devices, services, network locations, processes, memory, etc as filesystem data structures. Per-application (and thus per-user) filesystem view scopes. See the next gen FS layout specification for more information.
  • Hardware side, target solid state storage with an everything-as-cache storage policy - provide metrics to integrate arbitrary cache layers into the system caching daemon, use learning readahead to predict usage, and use the tried and true dumb space local and time local caching policy.

  • Backwards compatibility with the ipv6 network transport layer, TCP/IP/UDP, TLS security, with full stack support for html / css / ecmascript complaint documents over them.
  • Rich markup document format with WYSIWYG editor support, scripting, and styling. Meant to work in parallel with a traditional TCP stack.
  • Next generation distributed network without centralization support, with point to point connectivity and neighborhood acknowledgement. Meant to act both as a LAN protocol for both simple file transfer, service publication (displays, video, audio, printers, inputs, to software like video libraries, databases, etc) that can be deployed wideband as a public Internet without centralization.
  • Discard support for ipv4, ftp, nfs, smb, vnc, etc protocols in favor of modern solution.
  • Only a 3d rendering API where 2d is a reduced set case. All hardware is expected to be heterogeneous SIMD and complex processing, so this API is published on every device. Since Magma has SIMD instruction support, this API uses Magma in the simd context instead of something arbitrary like GLSL. Is a standard library feature of low.
  • Hardware graphics drivers only need support the rendering API in its device implementation, and executor will allocate instructions against it. No special OS specific hooks necessary. Even better, one standard linkable may be provided that backends present gpu hardware or falls back to pipelined core usage.
  • No need for a display server / service, since all applications work through a single rendering API. A desktop environment is just like any 3d application running in a virtual window, it just runs at the service level and can thus take control of a display (in terms of access privileges, user applications can't ever take control of a display, and the best they can do is negotiate with the environment to run in a chromeless fullscreen window).
  • Complete non-linear video editor and splicer that is on par with Vegas.
  • Compete 3d modeler / animator / scene propagator supporting dae, cad, and system formats.
  • System wide hardware video rendering backend library supporting legacy formats and system provided ones, found in Magma's std.
  • Complete 2d vector and raster image composer, better UX and feature parity than Gimp, at least on par with photoshop. Think Inkscape + sai.
  • 3d (and by extension, fallback 2d) ORM game engine implemented in Magma provided as a service for game makers. Should also have a complete SDK for development, use models developed in our modeler.
  • Cloud video publishing service baked into a complete content creation platform.
  • Art publishing service akin to DA on the content creation platform.
  • Saves use version control and continuous saving through DB caching to keep persistent save clones.
  • Like Video, a single 3d audio API devices need to support at the driver level (which means positional and point to point audio support). Standards should be a highly optimized variable bitrate container format.
  • Software only mixing and equalizing, supplied by the OS primary audio service, and controllable by the user. Each user would have a profile, like they would have a video profile.
  • Audio mixing software of at least the quality of Audacity and with much better UX.
  • Audio production suite much better than garageband.
  • System wide audio backend (provided in Magma's std) that supports legacy and system formats.
  • Audio publishing service akin to bandcamp in a content creation platform.

  • Systemic backend database assumed present in some object mapping API specified in Magma. Different runlevels have access to different table groups and access privilege applies to the database server. This way, all applications can use a centralized database-in-filesystem repostiory rather than running their own. Note : database shards and tables are stored app-local rather than in a behemoth registry-style layout, and are loaded on demand rather than as one giant backend. The database server just manages independently storage. The database files use the standard serialization format, so users can write custom configurations easily. These files, of course, can be encrypted.
  • Since the database is inherently scriptable, you can store spreadsheets in it. It can also act as a version control repository, so all documents are version controlled. 
  • Singular document standard, supporting scripting and styling, used as local WYSIWYG based binary or textual saved documents, or as "web" pages.
  • Integrated development environment using gui source control hooks, support for the system debugger and profiler, consoles, collaborative editing, live previews, designer hooks, etc. Should be written in Magma, and load on demand features. Target qtcreator, not visual studio / eclipse.
  • Pervasive, executable based mandatory access control. Profiles are file based, scripted in the standard serialization format, should be simple to modify and configure with admin privildges.
  • Contextual file system views, as a part of MAC, an application can only "see" what it is allowed to see, in a restricted context.
  • Binary signing pervasively, keys stored in central database.
  • Folder, file, and drive based encryption. An encrypted system partition can be unlocked by a RAMFS boot behavior.
  • Device layer passwords are supported as encryption keys. The disk is encrypted with the password as the key, instead of the traditional independent behavior where you can just read the contents off a password protected disk.
  • Network security implied - the firewall has a deny policy, as do system services. Fail2ban is included with reasonable base parameters that can be modified system wide or per service. All network connections on the system protocol negotiate secure connections and use a hosted key repository with the name server for credentials exchange and validation.
  • Going to need to support arbitrary key layouts with arbitrary glyphic key symbol correlations. Think utf8 key codes. Vector based dimensional visual movement, which can be implemented as touch, mouse, rotation, joysticks, etc. So the two input standards are motion and key codes.
  • Input devices provided as files in the FS (duh) and simple input APIs provided in Magma.
If you can make the experience of content and software creators sufficiently extravagant, you can capture markets. We live in an era of constant global communication, such an OS needs to take full advantage at every level of pervasive communication, including network caching. Since the language stack is designed to provide a vertical contextual development paradigm, almost all resources are implemented in Magma libraries with bindings everywhere else up the stack as appropriate. Since most devices, services, etc are provided as files, the library implementations can be simple and platform agnostic given file provisioning.

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